Academic Catalog

Academic Regulations and Procedures

Unless specified otherwise, these policies and procedures apply to both undergraduate and graduate students. Policies and procedures specific to graduate students are given in the section labeled Graduate Programs.

Academic Year

The academic year is divided into two semesters, approximately fifteen weeks in length, and an optional summer session. Summer sessions include classes of varying lengths in several disciplines. Most summer undergraduate classes are offered online.

Degrees Conferred

The College confers the following degrees:

  • Bachelor of Arts 
  • Bachelor of Science 
  • Bachelor of Science in Nursing
  • Bachelor of Art Education 
  • Bachelor of Music Education
  • Master of Arts in Classical Education
  • Master of Arts in Classical Leadership
  • Master of Arts in School Leadership
  • Master of Arts in Special Education
  • Master of Arts in Teaching
  • Master of Business Administration

Undergraduate Programs

Major and Minor Programs

Students should file a petition for acceptance into a major or minor program of study as soon as a major/minor is decided upon. Students who fail to declare a major before they reach 80 hours will be placed on hold and not allowed to register until a major is declared. Students may petition the Registrar for an extension to this 80-hour rule in cases of extenuating circumstances.

Students must fulfill all degree requirements (major(s), (optional) minor(s), and general education) based on one catalog—usually the catalog in effect the year they enter Benedictine College. If a student desires to complete a major or minor that was approved and is included in a later catalog than the one in effect when he or she started, he or she will be allowed to follow the requirements for that major or minor in the later catalog. The degree petition forms are available online through Student Self-Service on RavenZone. A maximum of nine hours of graduate credit may be counted towards the completion of an undergraduate degree.

Students are expected to be able to complete undergraduate academic programs in eight semesters with the exception of the following programs: Chemical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Mechanical Engineering. It is expected that students can complete these four programs in nine semesters. 

Any student may petition for approval of a program not accommodated by any existing majors. Please refer to the “Liberal Studies” major in this catalog for further information.

Majors are offered in the following disciplines:

  • Accounting
  • Architecture
  • Art
  • Art Education
  • Astronomy
  • Athletic Health Care
  • Biochemistry
  • Biology
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Chemistry
  • Civil Engineering
  • Classics
  • Computer Science
  • Criminology
  • Economics
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Elementary Education
  • Engineering Physics
  • English
  • Evangelization & Catechesis
  • Exercise Science
  • Finance
  • Foreign Languages
  • French
  • Graphic Design
  • History
  • International Business
  • International Studies
  • Journalism & Mass Communications
  • Liberal Studies
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Music
  • Music Education
  • Nursing
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Secondary Education
  • Social Science
  • Sociology
  • Spanish
  • Special Education
  • Strength and Conditioning
  • Theatre Arts
  • Theatre Arts Management
  • Theology

Minors are offered in the following disciplines:

  • Accounting 
  • Art  
  • Astronomy 
  • Biology 
  • Business Administration 
  • Chemistry
  • Christian Marriage & Family Studies
  • Classics 
  • Computer Science
  • Criminology
  • Dance  
  • Economics 
  • Economics & Politics 
  • Environmental Studies
  • Education
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Exercise Science 
  • Finance
  • French
  • History
  • International Studies
  • Journalism & Mass Communications
  • Latin
  • Mathematics 
  • Military Science
  • Music
  • Philosophy
  • Physics
  • Political Science
  • Psychology
  • Sociology
  • Spanish
  • Teaching Physical Education
  • Theatre Arts
  • Theology
  • Writing

Interdisciplinary Majors

The following interdisciplinary majors are offered: Biochemistry, Classics, International Studies, Liberal Studies, Social Science, and Theatre Arts Management.

Academic Minors

The College does not require an academic minor. Except when licensure or agency requirements dictate otherwise, minors require a minimum of fifteen credit hours, and should be pursued outside a student’s major field of study. A student may not graduate with a minor if she or he fails to achieve a final grade point average of at least a 2.0 in the minor.

Multiple Majors

A student may earn multiple majors by fulfilling the general education requirements of the College and the requirements of two or more major programs including a comprehensive or standardized examination in all major fields. Multiple majors may require one or more additional semesters of study to meet all requirements.

Degree Requirements

To earn a bachelor’s degree from Benedictine College, a student is required to complete the following. These requirements are non-negotiable and may not be appealed:

  1. Successfully complete the equivalent of 128 semester credit hours of courses numbered 1000 and above. These courses must include:
    1. Those courses specified by the student’s major department.
    2. A total of at least 40 credit hours in courses numbered 3000 or above. Transfer students who transfer in 60 or more hours or have an associate’s degree are required to complete a minimum of 30 credit hours in courses numbered 3000 or above.
  2. Achieve a final grade point average of at least a 2.0 in both the major and overall coursework at Benedictine. Some departments require a higher GPA in the major and/or require that individual courses in the major must meet a certain minimum grade. If such requirements exist, they are specified in the section describing the major.
  3. Successfully complete a comprehensive or standardized examination in his or her major at a level designated by the department (with “number” COMP), or, if the department so designates, successfully complete a senior project at a level designated by the department based on national standards in the field.
  4. The general education requirements of the College (listed later in this section).   
    In addition, students are expected to complete the following requirements, although in exceptional circumstances these requirements can be modified through an appeal to the Senior Vice Provost, who will consult with the Provost.  These appeals can only be granted if it can be documented that the circumstances involved are truly exceptional; therefore, students should consult with the Senior Vice Provost well in advance of their intended graduation if they believe that they are in a situation that would justify such a modification.   
  5. Finish a minimum of 16 of the last 30 credit hours with Benedictine College credit. Students who transfer in the last of their coursework are responsible for contacting the Office of Academic Records and Registration when they send in their final transcript to notify them that they believe they have completed all their degree requirements. Failure to do so may result in a lack of posting the student’s degree in a timely manner.
  6. File an application for a degree prior to the start of the semester during which all requirements will be completed or prior to the semester of commencement.

Students are responsible for meeting all their requirements for graduation.

Application for Degree

A student who plans to receive a degree must file an application for the degree with the Registrar by the deadline specified in the academic calendar. The application for degree is to be completed on RavenZone by the candidate. Upon submitting the application, the student is assessed a $100 graduation fee. Any student who fails to submit an application by the published deadline will be assessed a $50 late filing fee in addition to the $100 graduation fee.

The student bears the responsibility for fulfilling graduation requirements. Any student who has completed a minimum of 110 credit hours and can clearly outline a plan of study, approved by the major department chair and Senior Vice Provost, that indicates with reasonable certainty the student’s ability to complete all degree requirements by the end of the next fall semester, may be allowed to participate in commencement exercises in May of the current year. Final approval will be left to the discretion of the Provost.

Graduation Honors for Undergraduates

Graduation with Latin honors is considered a privilege and is subject in every case to the approval of the College. Graduation honors are awarded by the faculty in recognition of superior scholarship based on the following grade point average:

GPA Honor
4.00-3.85 summa cum laude
3.84-3.75 magna cum laude
3.74-3-50 cum laude

Graduation honors are computed on the basis of hours completed at Benedictine College.

Latin honors are awarded to students only for their first bachelor’s degree.

The valedictorian will be chosen on the basis of a minimum of 90 credits earned through Benedictine College or who will have attended Benedictine College as a full-time student for a minimum of three years. The Provost will have authority to make the final selection.

Finalizing the Academic Record

Once the degree is conferred at the date of graduation, the academic record is considered complete and final. No further changes will be made unless there is a documented clerical error. It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Office of the Registrar of a clerical error within 30 days of the graduation date to have the error corrected.

Classification of Courses and Students

The lower division of the College comprises the freshman and sophomore years; the upper division, the junior and senior years. Lower-division courses are numbered from 1000–2999; upper-division courses, from 3000-4999. Graduate-level courses are from 5000 to 6999. Courses numbered below 1000 do not satisfy graduation requirements.

Matriculated students with satisfactory entrance requirements are classified as freshmen. Other students are classified as follows:

Classification Credits
Sophomore standing 30 credits
Junior standing 62 credits
Senior standing 94 credits

Class Attendance

It is presumed that students attend every session of courses in which they are registered in order that mastery of subject matter may be assisted by the instructor’s leadership, class discussion, and/or class projects, and so that they may contribute to the intellectual exchange that is appropriate to the class. The College’s mission of education within a community of faith and scholarship makes class attendance a particular priority. However, it is recognized that in some cases absence is unavoidable. Sickness excuses are received by the individual instructors. The Director of the Student Success Center will forward information to faculty about long-term absences or absences that may be considered unavoidable.

Individual instructors have the right to limit absence in their courses and impose penalties for absenteeism, providing the professor’s policy and attached penalties are identified in the course syllabus. In no case, however, may a student be withdrawn from a course whose absences are less than or equal to two times the number of weekly meeting days assigned to the course. A grade of an “F” will be recorded if a withdrawal occurs after the official withdrawal period.

Grading for Undergraduates

Grade Description Point Value
A Superior work demonstrating high competency 4.0
A- 3.7
B+ 3.3
B Good work evidencing a better than average competency with the subject 3.0
B- 2.7
C+ 2.3
C Satisfactory work 2.0
C- 1.7
D Less than satisfactory work 1.0
F Unacceptable work 0
P Designates a pass in a course taken on a pass/no pass option 0
NP Designates a failure in a course taken on a pass/no pass option 0
NR Not reported 0
CR Credit 0
NC No credit 0
W Withdrawn 0
AU Audit 0
I Incomplete 0

W—A student may drop a course up through the 20th day of classes and the course will not appear on the official transcript. If a student withdraws from the College through the 20th day of the semester, a grade of “W” is assigned to all the classes. This “W” grade serves as an official record of attendance at Benedictine College on the student’s transcript.

A student may withdraw from a course from the 21st class day through the 54th class day. The Registrar will assign a ‘W.’ A student who wishes to withdraw from a course must use the Drop/Add form available online on Blackboard > Registrar’s Office > class and secure the approval of the faculty academic advisor and instructor concerned. A student is not officially withdrawn until this procedure is completed. A student who does not complete the appropriate withdrawal process will receive an ‘F’ grade for the course.

An instructor may, after notice to the student, initiate the withdrawal of a student from a course because of non-attendance. The grade of ‘W’ will be recorded if this occurs on or before the 54th day of classes. After this date, an ‘F’ will be recorded.

I—Incomplete: the grade of ‘I’ is given only when a student whose record in a course is otherwise satisfactory has, for reasons acceptable to the instructor, been unable to complete the work of the course. A student who so requests an extension of time must request that his or her instructor file a contract for the Incomplete. The form for this procedure is available online. The last day to request an Incomplete in a course is Study Day, the day before final exams begin. The grade of ‘I’ must be removed by the end of the following semester (e.g., by close of business the last day of final exams). An incomplete not removed as specified will be converted to a grade of ‘F.’

P/NP—Sophomores, juniors, and seniors may choose to take certain courses on a pass/no pass basis, with the permission of the student’s academic advisor. These courses may be selected from courses not included in the general education requirements or courses required in the student’s major(s) or minor(s). Such a course will be entered on the student’s transcript as either ‘P’ or ‘NP.’ A form signed by the student’s advisor must be filed with the Registrar by the end of the third week of class (15th day of classes) for a course to convert to the P/NP option. Forms are available online. Professors will submit a grade normally designated for the course on RavenZone and the grades will be automatically converted as follows: ‘A’ through ‘D’ as ‘P,’ or ‘F’ as ‘NP.’ Eligible students are limited to one pass/no pass course per semester.

GPA Calculation

Benedictine College uses the credit hour system to measure progress towards graduation and honor points to measure the quality of the work. Letter grades are given for each course. Letter grades are converted into a point system for determining grade-point averages. (See above.) A ‘P’ grade will not enter into calculations for grade point averages but will count toward total credits completed for graduation requirements. A grade of ‘NP’ will not enter into the calculation of grade point average; nor will notations of ‘W’ enter into grade-point calculations, nor will credit be earned. Courses taken for audit do not count toward credit for graduation requirements.

In determining a student’s scholastic average, his or her total grade points are divided by the total number of credit hours completed. Thus academic averages of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0, respectively, indicate ‘D,’ ‘C,’ ‘B,’ or ‘A’ averages. For satisfactory progress towards a bachelor’s degree, the student must maintain an average of ‘C’ (2.0) or better. Some programs require a higher GPA and that is noted in the description of the individual program.

Examinations - Hourly and Finals

Examinations are held from time to time at the discretion of the instructor, with or without notice. The grades on final exams are combined with other types of evaluations to determine the semester grade, the official record of scholastic achievement for the course. All undergraduate students are given grades at mid-semester so they have an indication of the progress they are making in their coursework. Midterm and final grades are available on RavenZone.

Students who have three or more finals on one day can petition to change their finals schedule so that they have a maximum of two finals on one day. If a student has three or more final exams on one day, he or she should obtain a Petition to Change Finals Request Form the Student Success Center to request to change one of their exams. After receiving approval, if none of the instructors are willing to move their final exam, the Student Success Center will determine which exam will be moved. Students should refer to the academic calendar for the deadline to petition to change a final exam. There is no charge to reschedule an exam for a student who has three or more finals on one day.

Final exams are not moved for reasons of travel or convenience. In exceptional circumstances, a student may appeal to the Student Success Center to have a final exam changed. This appeal should be made to the Student Success Center no later than two weeks prior to the beginning of final exams. After consultation with the professor(s) involved, the Student Success Center will inform the student of the outcome of the appeal within one week of receipt of the appeal. There is a $25 fee for rescheduling exams.

Course Load for Undergraduates

The normal course load is 15 to 18 credit hours each semester for undergraduates. This semester hour load enables students to graduate after eight semesters. Any student who wishes to take more than 18 credit hours must secure the permission of the Registrar or the Assistant Registrar. Permission for more than 18 credit hours is given only if the student has obtained an academic average of at least 3.0 in the previous semester and a cumulative average of at least 2.75. If the attainment of this average is uncertain, the student must file a request with the Senior Vice Provost and the decision will be made after the semester grades are finalized. The credit hour limitation is to allow the student sufficient time to be adequately prepared for all classes. There is an additional per credit hour tuition overload charge if a student is given permission to take more than 18 credit hours in a semester.

Exceptions to this rule will be when the overload results from any of the following: ensemble, chorus, band, orchestra, theatre arts productions, applied music, yearbook and news practicums, athletic health practicums, Loomings practicum, Cray Entrepreneurship Lab, CAW Fund, varsity sport credit, science research, ART-4901 Senior Exhibition SeminarEDUC-3324 Methods/Strategie for Indiv ExceptionaliEDUC-3326 Assess Individuals With Exceptionalities, , FINC-4991 CAW Fund I, FINC-4992 CAW Fund II, FINC-4993 CAW Fund III, FINC-4994 CAW Fund IV, , GNST-1500 Maathai STEM Seminar, GNST-1800 Moot Court, GNST-3110 Peer Mentor PracticumGNST-3333 Raven Standard Seminar, GNST-3500 Discovery Seminar, GNST-3600 Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr, HONR-4950 Senior Honors Capstone, and military science.

The limits for the number of credit hours that can be taken per summer session at Benedictine College are as follows: Six credits for a four-week session, nine credits for a six-week session, and twelve credits for an eight-week session. If classes of different lengths are being taken concurrently, then the following rule shall apply: for each class, compute the ratio of the number of credit hours the class is worth, divided by the number of weeks for which the class meets. The sum of these ratios for all classes being taken at the same time shall not exceed 1.5. For example, a student would be permitted to take one three-credit class that lasts four weeks and two three-credit classes that last eight weeks at the same time, since 3/4 + 3/8 + 3/8 = 1.5. Appeals to this policy can be made to the Senior Vice Provost.

Course Changes

Students (except for first semester freshmen) may register themselves and make changes to their schedule on RavenZone up until midnight on the third day of classes. Advisors may also make these same changes for their advisees.  

After the first Friday of the semester, students may drop classes prior to the add deadline (end of the sixth day of the semester for full-semester classes or end of the fourth day of the appropriate quarter for quarter classes) without the instructor signature; on the online Drop form however, an advisor’s signature is required to drop classes. Course additions after the calendar date for late registration may be made only with the permission of the Senior Vice Provost. 

Repeating a Course

An undergraduate student may repeat a course at Benedictine for which a grade of C- or lower is received. The higher grade earned will be used in calculating the grade point average. Both the original grade and the repeat grade are recorded on the official transcript.

A course taken at Benedictine College may not be repeated at another college or university. The exception to this are approved courses that are offered from the Acadeum, the course-sharing consortium. These approved courses function just the same as do Benedictine College courses.

In order to be eligible for Title IV financial aid when repeating a course, the following applies:

  • A failed course may be repeated as many times as needed until passed;
  • A previously passed course may only be repeated once:
    • This includes even those courses where a higher grade is required for the major (e.g., minimum of C- for a course in a major, etc.)
    • This does not include courses designated as repeatable (e.g. ensembles, workshops, science research, etc.) as these are not restricted nor limited (unless designated otherwise) and, therefore, a student may repeat these courses as often as needed
  • If a student finally passes a failed course with a passing grade, he/she may repeat the course one more time to try and achieve a higher grade.

Auditing Courses for Undergraduates

An undergraduate student auditing a course has all the privileges of a student taking a course for credit except that he or she will not receive credit for the course. A course that is being audited will not count toward full-time status, credit toward athletic eligibility, financial aid Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), credit for graduation, or toward academic honors. An auditor pays less than regular tuition during the fall and spring semesters if the course results in an overload. An auditor who decides to receive credit for a course may switch from audit to credit by the start of the tenth week of the semester or the first half of a summer session if the course instructor gives permission and the auditor pays the additional tuition at the Business Office.

A student may switch from credit to audit within the same time period if the student is passing the course at the time the change is requested and the course instructor and department chair approve. No refund of tuition will be made when switching from credit to audit on or after the first day of classes.

For students withdrawing from the College, a refund of tuition for auditing a class is done at the same rate as a refund for a full-tuition course.

Academic Honors for Undergraduates

Full-time, degree-seeking undergraduate students who have achieved a grade point average of 4.0 are named to the President’s Honor List at the end of each semester; those with a grade point average of 3.5 to 3.999 for the semester are named to the Dean’s Honor List. Students must have a minimum of 12 graded hours (no P/NP grades). Students who take an incomplete in any class are not eligible for academic honors that semester. Students enrolled in dual-degree programs are considered for academic honors based on coursework at both institutions.

Full-time, degree-seeking students who have maintained a cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or higher are recognized at a special event in the spring of the year. Other scholastic honors and achievements are also awarded or acknowledged at this event.

The awarding of Latin honors and the designation of the College’s valedictorian(s) take place at the Senior Brunch during commencement weekend.

Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal for Undergraduates

Any student whose semester grade point average falls below 2.0 is placed on academic probation or issued a letter of warning according to the following schedule:

Class Warning Probation
Freshmen and Sophomores 1.99-1.80 Below 1.80
Juniors and Seniors 1.99-1.90 Below 1.90

Any student whose cumulative grade point average falls below the following schedule will be dismissed:

When Cumulative GPA
at the end of one semester 1.3
at the end of two semesters 1.8
at the end of three semesters 1.9
at the end of four semesters and beyond 2.0

Each student appealing dismissal will be evaluated individually at the discretion of the Dean of the College.

Grade Appeals

A student who believes he or she has evidence that he or she has been assigned an inaccurate or unjust final grade must first consult with the instructor who assigned the grade. If a satisfactory resolution does not result from this consultation, the student has the right to a formal appeal process initiated through the Senior Vice Provost. The appeal must be made within three months of the date that grades are made available for student viewing. Examples of an unjust final grade might be the result of bias, lack of uniformity in grading practices, and/or arbitrary change in course requirements.

It is the responsibility of the student to prove that the grade is incorrect or unjustified. The grade appeal process is not appropriate for students who believe the course was poorly designed or the student received poor instruction. These may be legitimate concerns, but they are more appropriately addressed to the department chairperson. A claim that the instructor graded too severely is also not reason to appeal a grade, provided that all students in the class were graded in the same fashion as stated in the syllabus.

Readmission After Academic Dismissal

The Provost will evaluate each case in which an undergraduate student who has been dismissed for academic reasons petitions for continuation or readmission. Exceptions to the dismissal regulations may or may not be made. A student may appeal the decision to dismiss him or her.

A student who has been refused enrollment for a semester on academic grounds may apply for re-enrollment after one semester being away from Benedictine College. If readmitted, the student must maintain a ‘C’ average (2.0) in a minimum full load of 12 credit hours to continue enrollment.

Administrative Withdrawal

Benedictine College reserves the right to administratively withdraw students who stop attending classes. Administratively withdrawn students are responsible for all financial obligations incurred for the entire semester and will not be permitted to remain in campus housing or make use of campus dining facilities or other campus services.

Academic Misconduct

NOTE: This policy is the same for undergraduates and for graduate students.

Benedictine College endorses the principles of academic honesty. Any academic misconduct is contradictory to the purposes and welfare of both the student and the College. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, cheating on examinations; plagiarizing; failing to properly document sources either intentionally or unintentionally; turning in work prepared by another source, falsifying data and documents; or gaining or giving unauthorized access to assessment materials. Using artificial intelligence (AI) for coursework in place of a student’s own effort to learn constitutes academic misconduct. Therefore, students may use AI for their academics only when in accordance with instructor expectations and direction.  Students should refer to the specified guidelines provided by their instructor.

It is expected that the student will behave in a manner consistent with the values of Benedictine College in interactions in an academic context both inside and outside of the classroom. Should a student engage in inappropriate or aggressive language or behavior in relationship with faculty, or disruptive behavior in or out of the classroom, a faculty member may document the incident with the Vice Provost and the student may be subject to appropriate sanctions.


A first offense of academic misconduct, whether intentional or unintentional, generally will result in an “F” or a zero grade for the assignment, examination, or project connected to the academic misconduct and will be reported by the instructor to the Vice Provost who then will report to the student’s academic advisor. In a particularly egregious case of misconduct the instructor may consult with the Vice Provost to apply a penalty of “F” for the course, or a more severe penalty. If the penalty is the assignment of a final grade of “F,” the student will no longer be permitted to attend the class and will not be permitted to withdraw from the class, regardless of when the offense occurs. The “F” will then become part of the student’s permanent record.

A second offense for a given student – assuming that the student has been notified of the first offense – over his or her entire time as a student at Benedictine College, will result in a meeting with a review panel consisting of the Vice Provost, a member of the Student Affairs Committee, and another faculty member of the student’s choice. This panel will decide on a course of action based on all reported instances of the student’s academic misconduct, which generally results in a failing grade in the class. Additionally, depending upon the magnitude of the academic misconduct, the student may be suspended or be subject to dismissal from the college. A third or later offense will result in a meeting with a panel consisting of the Provost, the Vice Provost, and a faculty member of the student’s choice. This panel will decide on a course of action based on all reported instances of the student’s academic misconduct with a maximum penalty of dismissal from the college.

Due Process

In any allegation of academic misconduct, students have the right to appeal the allegation if they believe they are not guilty or to appeal the punishment if they believe it to be excessive. This process is coordinated by the Vice Provost. In an appeal, an ad hoc committee consisting of three full-time faculty members, one of whom may be nominated by the student, independently considers the evidence, and each makes a recommendation regarding the appeal. The Provost considers the evidence, the recommendations of the ad hoc committee, and makes the decision regarding the appeal. This decision is final and may not be appealed.

 A detailed description of this process is available from the Vice Provost.

Due to the importance of dispositions and accreditation requirements, the due process procedure for Education graduate programs contains additional steps. Please consult the Graduate Education Program Handbook.

Study at Other Colleges and Universities for Undergraduates

Students are urged to consult with their academic advisor or major professors about courses to be taken at other colleges or universities, this is especially true for any course the student wants to apply toward the major or the minor. Benedictine College usually will accept credits earned at other regionally accredited institutions but does not include these credits in the calculation of the student’s cumulative grade point average. A grade of 'C-' or better is required in order to transfer a course into Benedictine College. Refer to to see if and how courses will transfer to Benedictine College. Note that the Registrar’s approval is sometimes a prerequisite for admission to programs at other colleges and universities.

An exception to the above is courses taken through Acadeum, a course sharing consortium, in which case grades, as well as credits, are transferred in to Benedictine College. A course taken at Benedictine College may not be repeated at another college or university for a higher grade or any other purpose unless it is through Acadeum. (See “Repeating a Course” above.)

Students who want/need to transfer in a course that will fulfill an upper-division credit, must take the course at a four-year college/university (not at a community college). The course must be comparable to an upper-division course at Benedictine College. Even though the course may be an upper-division course at the college where the student takes it, if it is a lower-division course at Benedictine College, it will transfer in to Benedictine College as a lower-division course.

Transcript of Credits

Transcripts of a student’s academic record will be issued only upon written request signed by the student. 

Benedictine College has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide transcript ordering via the web. All requests for official transcripts must be processed through the Clearinghouse. Current students can print unofficial transcripts using their RavenZone account.

To order an official transcript(s), login to the Clearinghouse secure site: The site walks the student through placing an order, including delivery options and fees. (There is a $7.50 Benedictine College fee plus a service charge.) A person can order as many transcripts as needed in a single session. A processing fee will be charged per recipient. Current and former students can order transcripts using any major credit card. The credit card will only be charged after the order has been completed.

Credits taken at another institution are not added to a Benedictine College transcript unless they are applicable toward a degree in progress at Benedictine College.

Obtaining Documents Originating From Another Agency or Institution

In accordance with record release standards, the College does not release documents that have become the property of the College through a legal release to a third party (Benedictine). The College is not the official, legal custodian of record for any documents that did not originate at Benedictine College and therefore does not have the legal authority to release them to anyone else. This includes documents such as high school records, ACT/SAT scores, AP/IB scores, or college transcripts, from other institutions. These records are the property of the College and are for our internal College purposes only. Students need to contact the originating agency, organization, or institution that produced the original records to obtain a legal copy if they want a copy for their own use.

Study Abroad

Benedictine College encourages students to engage in educational experiences abroad as part of their academic plan. The Study Abroad Office administers the College’s study abroad programs. Applications and requests for program approval are processed by the Study Abroad Office in advance of the student’s enrollment in a program of study abroad, except for participation in foreign language schools abroad and short-term faculty-led trips. Financial aid guidelines for off-campus programs are specified in the proper sections of this catalog. Specific costs for tuition, room, board, and fees are published annually and are available from the College’s Business Office or from the Admission Office. Students are required to consult their major advisor and a study abroad advisor at the Study Abroad Office while making plans for study abroad. Application deadlines and eligibility requirements depend on the specific program. Students on probation of any kind may not study abroad. The amount of credit Benedictine College students can earn on study abroad programs toward their bachelor’s degree is limited to two full-time semesters plus a summer term. This restriction does not apply to the Florence Campus and to faculty-led short-term trips. All prospective study abroad students, particularly those who intend to study abroad during their junior or senior year, should carefully plan their course programs both in Atchison and abroad in order to satisfy general education and major/minor requirements for their degree. Students should be aware that due to enrollment constraints, they may not be able to study abroad in the semester of their choice. Benedictine College reserves the right to preclude students from earning credit for study abroad undertaken in any country for which a U.S. State Department Travel Warning was issued prior to program departure. Students planning to study abroad are required to submit a Study Abroad Application Form available online or at the Study Abroad Office as well as the Department of World Languages and Cultures.

Florence Campus. Benedictine College offers an opportunity for students to spend a semester or a summer in Florence, Italy. The Florence Campus is fully sponsored by Benedictine College. Courses offered in Florence may vary each term and amount to 15 credit hours for the fall and spring semesters and up to nine credit hours in the summer. The program is under the supervision of a Benedictine College faculty member and a residence director. Students are normally eligible to take part in this program after they spend a semester on the main campus in Atchison. Admission requirements include payment of the study abroad fee, participation in the orientation meetings, arrangement for adequate travel medical insurance coverage, and the ability of Benedictine College to reasonably meet special needs. Application deadlines and procedures are announced at the beginning of the term prior to the one students apply for studying abroad. Special student applications are individually assessed and the final decision is subject to the consent of the Provost.

Benedictine College-Sponsored Foreign-Language Schools. Benedictine College offers an opportunity for students to study French and Spanish language and culture at affiliated institutions. Currently, students can study French at the Université Catholique in Lyon, France, during fall, spring, or summer. Students can also study Spanish at the CLIC language institute in Seville, Spain, during the academic year. To apply, students should contact the chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures. Admission requirements include the payment of the study abroad fee, participation in the orientation meetings, arrangement for adequate travel medical insurance coverage, and the ability of Benedictine College to reasonably meet special needs. Application deadlines vary. Special student applications are individually assessed and the final decision will be subject to the consent of the chair of the Department of World Languages and Cultures.

Exchange Programs. Approved exchange programs for Benedictine College students include ISEP (International Student Exchange Program), and a number of bilateral agreements. The complete list of approved exchange programs is maintained by the Study Abroad Office. After a year of coursework at Benedictine College, students can apply for a semester or a year exchange. The GPA requirement is 2.75 for most institutions. Some locations may require foreign language skills. Admission requirements include the payment of the study abroad fee, participation in the orientation meetings, arrangement for adequate travel medical insurance coverage, and the ability of the hosting institution to reasonably meet special needs. The application deadlines depend on the partnering institutions; specific information about the application process is available at the Study Abroad Office.  

Other Study Programs Abroad. For programs not administered or sponsored by Benedictine College, the approval process must start at the beginning of the semester prior to the one the student plans to study abroad. Students are required to complete the College’s online Study Abroad Application form, which provides notice to the College of the student’s intent to study abroad. The student must then meet with relevant College offices, including the Business Office, the Office of Academic Records and Registration, and the Financial Aid Office. Meeting with these offices helps verify the student’s enrollment status while abroad, helps ensure the courses taken abroad will transfer to Benedictine, and allows the student to understand how financial aid might be accessed to help pay for the study abroad program. Priority Deadlines to submit the study abroad online form are September 30 for the spring semester, February 28 for the summer term, and March 31 for the fall semester. A timely application along with required student meetings with College offices noted, will ensure all the relevant paperwork is taken care of well in advance of making final plans.

Short-term faculty-led trips. Faculty-led programs may be developed by faculty members and offered during Christmas, spring, or summer breaks. Short-term faculty-led trips usually consist of a mix of lectures, exercises, excursions, and group time. All credit-bearing programs must be approved by the Provost before advertising the program. Prerequisite courses may be required depending on the faculty member and/or the course designation. Admission requirements include participation in orientation meetings, arrangement for adequate travel medical insurance coverage, and the ability of Benedictine College to reasonably meet special needs.