Academic Catalog

Benedictine College Values

Jesus Christ

We believe in the love of Jesus Christ and the faith revealed to,
and handed down by, the Roman Catholic Church
To grow in a relationship with Jesus by using the gifts of faith and reason
to see and do things the way God does
“The love of Christ must come before all else.”  RB (Rule of St. Benedict) 4:21


We believe in service to the common good, respect for the individual,
virtuous friendship, and the beatitudes
To demonstrate good will, humility, trust, accountability, justice,
faithfulness, obedience, peace, and discipleship
“They should each try to be the first to show respect to the other.”  RB 72:4

Conversion of Life

We believe conversatio, a commitment to personal conversion or growth,
positively transforms life
To pursue continual self-improvement, seeking the truth each day,
joyfully beginning again and again, hoping in God
“Your way of acting should be different from the world’s way.”  RB 4:20

Love of Learning

We believe rigorous scholarship in the liberal arts, rooted in the
monastic tradition, leads to the discovery of truth
To strive for wisdom lived in responsible awareness of oneself,
family, society, nature, and God
“We intend to establish a school for the Lord’s service.”  RB P:45


We believe seeking counsel and listening should lead to wise resolution and action
To engage all members of the community on important matters
so leaders make good decisions
“Call the whole community together and explain what the business is;
and after hearing the advice, ponder it and follow the wiser course.” 
RB 3:1-2

Excellence Through Virtue

We believe that a daily discipline and practice of virtue leads to learning,
freedom, and greatness
To personally strive for excellence in all things, practicing cardinal
and theological virtues until they become habit
“That in all things God may be glorified.”  RB 57:9


We pledge to uphold the dignity of every human person from
the beginning of life to its natural end
To be open to the multitude of persons in the human family,
God’s greatest treasure and our greatest resource
“All guests who present themselves are to be welcomed as Christ.”  RB 53:1


We believe in a commitment to one’s vocation in a daily rhythm
of life following St. Benedict and St. Scholastica
To develop a balanced way of life and love for the people
and place along with fidelity to its traditions
“Never swerving from his instructions, we share in the sufferings of Christ
to also share in his kingdom.” 
RB P:50


We believe the Lord God made all things and called them good
To care for creation and the goods of this place, our time, talent,
and treasure, as gifts from God
“Regard all utensils and goods as sacred vessels of the altar.”  RB 31:10

Prayer and Work

We believe our Ora et Labora cooperates in God’s plan to make all things new
To always be in conversation with God through prayer and value the dignity
of all work and human activity
“We believe that the divine presence is everywhere… They live by the labor
of their own hands.”
  RB 19:1-48:8