Academic Catalog


Stephen D. Minnis, J.D.

Charles Gartenmayer, M.A.
Athletic Director

Pete Helgesen, B.A.
Dean of Enrollment Management

Linda Henry, Ed.D.
Vice-President of Student Life

Thomas Hoopes, E.M.B.A.
Vice-President of College Relations

Kimberly C. Shankman, Ph.D.

Stan Sluder, B.A.
Chief Business Officer

Kelly Jo Vowels, B.A.
Vice-President for Advancement

Joseph Wurtz, Ed.D.
Dean of Students

Tim Andrews, M.P.A.
Executive Director of Planned Giving

Holly Black, L.M.S.W.
Director of the Counseling Center

Jennifer Dittemore, Ed.S.
Director of Career Services

Meredith Doyle, B.A.
Director of Service-Learning

Matthew Fassero, M.B.A.
Assistant Vice-President—Operations

S. Kathleen Flanagan, O.S.B., M.L.S.
Library Co-Director

Jackie Harris, A.P.R.N., D.N.P.
Associate Professor and Robert J. Dehaemers Endowed Chair of Nursing

Linda Herndon, O.S.B., Ph.D.
Senior Vice Provost

Joanne Huey, B.A.
Director of Alumni Relations

Sara Kramer, B.A.
Director of Advancement Services

Doug Longstaff, E.M.B.A.
Executive Director of Annual Giving

Julia Lyons, B.A.
Director of Institutional Research

Darla Meyer, M.L.S.
Library Co-Director

Sean Mulcahy, Ed.D.
Vice Provost, Director of Student Success Center

Daniele Musso, M.S.
Director of Study Abroad

Charles Peitsch, B.A.

Fr. Ryan Richardson, L.C.
College Chaplin

Megan Ryan, B.A.
Director of College Ministry

Kristie Scholz, M.B.A.
Assistant Vice-President—Finance

Tony Tanking, E.M.B.A.
Director of Financial Aid

Charles Welte, M.S.
Director of Information Technologies Systems

Rosemary Wilkerson, M.S.
Executive Director of Development