Academic Catalog

Natural Science (NASC)

NASC-1000  Environmental Science  
(3 credits)  (Spring Semester)  

This course provides a broad view of the scientific basis for studying and understanding the challenges caused by the impact of human activity on the Earth's climate and resources. Three lectures/discussion sessions are held each week. Readings from the text and supplementary reading assignments and videos will be discussed. Guest lecturers from other departments will occasionally be invited to speak. (NW)

General Education Categories: Understanding the Natural World  
NASC-1100  Environmental Geology  
(3 credits)  (Spring Semester)  

This is a first course in geology, presenting a complete survey of geological science concepts and information. The study of virtual video field trips, process animations, and drone terrain surveys is required. Two field trips to local Kansas geological sites are required. Students will develop a broad knowledge of physical and historical geology, and learn to identify rock and mineral types from the College specimen collection. (NW)

General Education Categories: Understanding the Natural World  
NASC-1400  Earth Science  
(3 credits)  (Fall Semester)  

This course introduces the student to the fields of geology, oceanography, and meteorology and applies knowledge from these areas to environmental concerns. Topics interrelating these fields, such as air and water quality, and climatic effects of pollution are explored. (NW, SM)

General Education Categories: Scientific Method, Understanding the Natural World  
NASC-1600  Origins of Major Theories in Science  
(3 credits)  (Spring Semester)  

The student will be introduced to major hypotheses in several different areas of natural science by reading original writings by the creators of these hypotheses. After examination of the original hypothesis in its original context and with its original implications, the student will examine the current status of this hypothesis as a central paradigm in our modern understanding of the natural world. Thus, the student will be exposed to central ideas in very different areas of our modern understanding of nature. Offered spring semester of odd years. (NW, SM)

General Education Categories: Scientific Method, Understanding the Natural World  
NASC-2300  World Regional Geography  
(3 credits)  (Both Fall & Spring Semesters)  

This course focuses on the ideas, concepts, and models of regional geography as related to the study of the major realms and regions of the world. (PC, NW, GP)

General Education Categories: Global Perspective, Person & Community, Understanding the Natural World  
NASC-3100  Historical Readings in Natural Science  
(3 credits)  (Discretion of Department)  

Students will learn about major developments in our understanding of nature by reading works written by the people responsible for those developments. Following the method of a Great Books course, the class sessions will generally employ the Socratic Method, where questions are asked and discussion between the students and the instructor and among the students is guided by the instructor to help the students uncover the significance of the readings. In addition, the students will be given insight into the scientific method and how major changes occur in science. (NW, SM, VC)

Prerequisite(s): Acceptance into the Honors Program.  
General Education Categories: Scientific Method, Understanding the Natural World, Visual Communication