Academic Catalog



Benedictine College English majors and minors immerse themselves in great works of British, American, and World literature, including diverse selections that reflect the trends in contemporary literary scholarship. Students will investigate the history of the English language and its linguistic features, including optional studies in Old and Middle English. Upper-division courses in periods and genres allow students to select special areas of interest, such as post-1945 American Literature or film studies. Multiple classes in Creative Writing—and an entire interdisciplinary Writing Minor—allow students to gain creative proficiency in multiple genres. Electives ranging from Classical Mythology to Modern Catholic Fiction offer even more ways for majors and minors to customize their study of narrative. Majors will complete a capstone-style seminar to produce a significant literary paper suitable for a conference presentation or as a writing sample for graduate schools.

The English Department trains future secondary school educators with two classes custom-designed in conjunction with the Education department. English and Education school candidates are regularly observed in their field work by an English department member.

The English Department also houses Loomings, an entirely student-produced annual literary journal, with original fiction, poetry, and full-color artwork.