Academic Catalog

General Studies

General studies courses are courses that enhance the academic experience of students in a wide variety of major programs, but are not, themselves, part of a major or a program. General Studies courses tend to fall into three categories:

General Studies, Academic Support

These courses are structured to enhance learning skills and to equip students to succeed in courses and programs throughout the College.  

Academic support courses include:

GNST-1010Strategies for College Success2
GNST-1100Information Literacy1
GNST-1110Learning Community Lab2
GNST-1111College Success1
GNST-3110Peer Mentor Practicum3

General Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies

These courses make use of the expertise of faculty from different departments and backgrounds to examine issues and themes that transcend the boundaries of individual areas of study.

Interdisciplinary Courses include:

GNST-1500Maathai STEM Seminar1
GNST-1650Leadership & Organizational Change1
GNST-1700Leadership: Vision & Values1
GNST-1800Moot Court2
GNST-1801Moot Court2
GNST-1802Moot Court2
GNST-1803Moot Court2
GNST-3200Catholic Worldview Fellowship3
GNST-3333Raven Standard Seminar1
GNST-3500Discovery Seminar1
GNST-3600Legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr1
GNST-4795Cooperative Education Experience0-6

General Studies, Great Books

These courses lead students to engage fundamental questions through the greatest texts from classical antiquity to modernity. The General Studies Great Books curriculum is oriented toward an historical progression through the masterworks of civilization, and is in addition to the Great Books sequences described in the following section.  

Great Books Courses include:

GNST-1750Great Books: Ancient World3
GNST-2750Great Books: Medieval World3
GNST-2850Great Books: Renaissance World3
GNST-3750Great Books: Modern World3