Academic Catalog

History Minor

Program Requirements

HIST-2000History Methods & Historiography3
Select one of the following upper-division courses in ancient or medieval history:3
Medieval Travelers
The Crusades
Ancient Greece
Ancient Rome
Greek & Roman History
Medieval History
Byzantine History
The Renaissance
Medieval England
Medieval Lay Religion
Ancient Egypt
Select one of the following upper-division courses in early modern or modern European history:3
The Reformation Era
Early Modern Europe 1600-1800
French Revolution & Napoleon
Ninteenth-Century Europe
Europe 1954 - Today
Russian History
World War I
World War II
The Holocaust
Select one of the following upper-division courses in United States history:3
United States Diplomatic History
History of Kansas
United States Military History
Native America 1492-1864
Selected Themes in Early American Histor
Early American Republic 1789-1828
United States Civil War 1828-1865
Reconstruction & Reform 1865-1919
Prosperity & Depression 1919-1941
United States Since 1945
History of American Film
Select elective courses in history to make up a minor of eighteen hours. These may or may not include:6
World Civilization to 1500
World Civilization Since 1500
United States History to 1865
United States History Since 1865
Total Hours18