Courses in philosophy are intended to give the student some experience in asking and answering fundamental questions, namely, those questions about God, humanity, and the world that emerge from direct human experience or from reflection on the various disciplines through which they have organized their experience.
The Philosophy Department offers a choice of two types of major: one is a nine course co-major designed to enable a student to obtain a major in philosophy in addition to a major in some other discipline; the other is a twelve-course professional major for the student who intends to major exclusively in philosophy or who may wish to pursue graduate work in philosophy.
The minimum percentage of credits that must be completed at Benedictine College for both majors in philosophy is 60% and for the minor in philosophy is 50%. The Department Chair will decide which courses will transfer for purposes of major and minor requirements. As to courses taught in other Benedictine College departments, the Philosophy Department expects majors and minors to plan to meet their requirements with PHIL courses from the Benedictine College catalog.