Academic Catalog


Students seeking a Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) degree are eligible for admission into a Pharm. D. program after satisfactory completion of college-level, pre-pharmacy requirements. Pre-pharmacy requirements vary between different pharmacy schools, but they generally include the following courses:

BIOL-1121General Biology I5
BIOL-2242Human Anatomy & Physiology I4
BIOL-2243Human Anatomy & Physiology II4
CHEM-1200General Chemistry I Lecture3
CHEM-1201General Chemistry I Lab1
CHEM-1210General Chemistry II Lecture3
CHEM-1211General Chemistry II Lab1
CHEM-2200Organic Chemistry I Lecture3
CHEM-2201Organic Chemistry I Lab1
CHEM-2210Organic Chemistry II Lecture3
CHEM-2211Organic Chem II Lab1
ENGL-1010English Composition3
MATH-1300Calculus I4
SPCH-1100Speech Communication3
Plus eighteen credit hours in humanities/social sciences18

Benedictine students interested in pursuing pharmacy careers typically satisfy these requirements as part of their major requirements in biology, biochemistry, or chemistry. Students may get more information on campus from the chairs of the Biology or Chemistry/Biochemistry Departments.