Academic Catalog

Spanish (BA)

Foreign Language Placement

Students who have completed three or more years of a Spanish in high school are required to take the language placement exam before taking a course in Spanish. Students who took two years of Spanish in high school in a strong program are highly recommended but not required to take the placement exam. Students who received dual enrollment or AP credit in Spanish, or who transferred in college credit in Spanish are not required to take the exam. It is highly recommended that students take the placement exam within one year of enrolling at Benedictine College, as this is when their previous language experience will be strongest. Students may not take the placement exam more than once. The placement exam is regularly scheduled at the beginning of the semester, during registration and during SOAR weekends. See the Academic Calendar for dates. For more information, contact the Department of World Languages and Cultures or Admissions.

Study Abroad

The Department of World Languages and Cultures sponsors several study-abroad programs to provide students with an opportunity for immersion in Spanish. Students majoring in Spanish are required to have an immersion experience abroad in Spanish, either through studying, completing an internship, doing service learning, or volunteering abroad. This requirement may be waived for students who already demonstrate advanced proficiency in the language or who have substantial immersion experience in the target language.

The department offers study abroad opportunities in Spanish in Seville, Spain. Students also have the option of participating in an exchange program through the College’s affiliation with ISEP. This program is administered by the International Programs office.

Some language courses are offered on an alternate semester or yearly basis. Those who choose to major or minor in a foreign language should consult with an advisor in the department and declare their course of study as early as possible so as to follow the recommended schedule of classes.